

Smoking Cessation

In our practice, we offer a comprehensive and individually tailored smoking cessation program aimed at helping you permanently quit smoking and lead a healthier lifestyle. Our approach is holistic, considering both the physical and psychological aspects of smoking cessation. Here is a detailed description of our smoking cessation offering:

Smoking Cessation Program – Your Path to a Smoke-Free Life

Our comprehensive smoking cessation program includes the following components:

Individual Counseling and Analysis

We start with a personal consultation to understand your smoking habits, motivation, and individual challenges. This information helps us create a customized cessation plan.

Behavioral Therapy and Psychological Support

Our experts provide psychological support and behavioral therapy to address the mental and emotional aspects of smoking. The goal is to identify and manage smoking triggers and develop alternative behaviors.

Medicinal Support

If necessary, we offer medicinal support, such as nicotine replacement therapy or non-nicotine medications, to alleviate withdrawal symptoms and ease the transition to non-smoker status.

Nutritional Counseling and Lifestyle Adjustments

A healthy diet and sufficient exercise can support the smoking cessation process. We advise on dietary changes and physical activity to prevent weight gain and improve overall well-being.

Managing Withdrawal Symptoms

We offer practical tips and techniques to deal with withdrawal symptoms such as stress, irritability, and craving for cigarettes.

Aftercare and Long-term Follow-up

To prevent relapse, we provide ongoing aftercare and support. Regular follow-ups are part of our program to ensure you remain smoke-free permanently.

Education and Information Provision

We offer extensive information on the risks of smoking and the benefits of being smoke-free to enhance awareness and understanding of this important life change.

Our goal is not only to help you stop smoking but also to support you in making long-term changes for a healthier life. We understand that quitting smoking is a challenge and offer the necessary support and guidance on your journey to a smoke-free life.

Please inquire, we are here to advise you!

IGeL Service* – you will receive a cost estimate at the registration.

*There are medical services that you must pay for yourself at the doctor’s office. These services are called Individual Health Services or IGeL. We note that the mentioned IGeL service may not meet the standards of evidence-based scientific medicine and may not or only partially replace a medically indicated conventional therapy if necessary.

Treatment successes can generally not be guaranteed.