

Nutritional Counseling for Weight Reduction – A Holistic Approach

Nutritional Counseling for Weight Reduction – A Holistic Approach

Our nutritional counseling aims to develop individual nutrition plans tailored to the personal goals, needs, and life circumstances of each patient:

Individual Nutritional Analysis

We start with a detailed analysis of your current dietary habits, lifestyle factors, and health conditions. This allows us to create a comprehensive picture of your nutritional status.

Personalized Nutrition Plans

Based on the analysis, we develop customized nutrition plans that promote a healthy and balanced diet. These plans take into account your individual preferences and dislikes, ensuring they are realistic and sustainable.

Advice on Food Selection and Preparation

We provide practical advice and tips on choosing and preparing food to help you make healthier choices.

Support for Special Diets

Whether it’s food intolerances, special diet forms, or dietary changes – we offer expert advice and support.

Addressing Weight Loss Challenges

We address challenges and obstacles that could stand in the way of successful weight loss, such as emotional eating or lack of motivation.

Regular Follow-up and Adjustment

We offer regular follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and adjust the nutrition plan as needed.

Integration of Exercise and Lifestyle Changes

In addition to diet, we also consider the importance of physical activity and healthy lifestyle habits to offer a holistic concept for weight reduction.

Our nutritional counseling is designed not only to assist in losing weight but also to promote a long-term lifestyle change. We strive to equip our patients with the tools and knowledge to make healthy choices and enhance their well-being.

Please inquire, we are here to advise you!

IGeL Service* – you will receive a cost estimate at the registration.

*There are medical services that you must pay for yourself at the doctor’s office. These services are called Individual Health Services or IGeL. We note that the mentioned IGeL service may not meet the standards of evidence-based scientific medicine and may not or only partially replace a medically indicated conventional therapy if necessary.

Treatment successes can generally not be guaranteed.