


In our practice, we offer homeopathy as part of our holistic treatment approach. Homeopathy is an alternative medicine based on the principle “like should be cured by like.” Our goal is to support the body’s natural healing processes and improve overall well-being.
Homeopathy – Natural Treatment for Body and Mind

Our homeopathic treatment offerings include the following aspects:

Individual Consultations

Every treatment plan begins with a comprehensive consultation. We take the time to understand your symptoms, medical history, life circumstances, and emotional states to gain a comprehensive picture of your health.

Personalized Homeopathic Remedies

Based on the individual consultation, we select homeopathic remedies specifically tailored to your unique symptoms and needs. These remedies are made from natural substances and are designed to support the body in self-healing.

Holistic Treatment Approach

Homeopathy is considered part of a holistic treatment approach. It aims to promote physical, mental, and emotional balance and can be used for both acute and chronic conditions.

Treatment of a Variety of Complaints

Homeopathic remedies can be used for a range of health issues, including allergies, skin conditions, digestive complaints, stress, anxiety, and many others.

Safe and Gentle Treatment

Homeopathy is regarded as a safe and gentle form of treatment, suitable for people of all ages, including children and pregnant women.

Follow-up and Aftercare

We offer ongoing follow-up and aftercare to monitor the progress of the treatment and make adjustments if necessary.

In our practice, it is our goal to offer homeopathy as a treatment option that naturally supports the body and enhances well-being. We emphasize treating each patient individually and creating a treatment plan tailored to their specific needs and health goals.

Please inquire, we are here to advise you!

IGeL Service* – you will receive a cost estimate at the reception.

*There are medical services that you must pay for yourself at the doctor’s office. These services are called Individual Health Services or IGeL. We note that the mentioned IGeL service may not meet the standards of evidence-based scientific medicine and may not or only partially replace a medically indicated conventional therapy if necessary.

Treatment successes can generally not be guaranteed.